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March 14, 2020

Crimson Media CEO reveals the magic of omnipresence marketing

Shane Simmons spoke to 900+ dental professionals about omnipresence marketing and how to become the go-to dentist in your community.

Dental Marketing in 2020

There's a shift happening in dentistry.

You can no longer only send out some mailers, put a sign in front of your office and wait for patients to arrive.

Dental practices must make a connection with their community and get eyeballs on their services. Here at Crimson Media we call this omnipresence marketing.

This means you are everywhere your patients are. Here's a list of examples:

  • Appearing at the top of the Google organic search results
  • Running Google Ads
  • Appearing at the top of the Google Snack Pack (also knows as Google Maps)
  • Ads that appear on your prospective patients Facebook and Instagram feed
  • Having video content that retargets those who have visited your website

Here at Crimson Media, our dental marketing focuses on educating your patient base, building trust with those in your community, and ultimately creating a presence that can't be ignored. So the next time those in your area need a dentist, your practice will be the go-to office.

If you would like to see how Crimson Media can help drive more patients to your practice, contact us today.