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September 21, 2018

How to Get 60 Google Reviews in 60 Days

Learn how to easily increase Google Reviews for your dental practice with these simple tips. Enhance your online presence and attract more patients.

So you want more Google Reviews for your practice?

Who doesn't, right?

Did you know 88% of consumers trust reviews as much as personal recommendations? And did you know Google Reviews play a role in ranking your dental practice on Google?

Let's be honest, sometimes getting your staff to ask for those Google Reviews is like pulling teeth (see what I did there -- haha).

But here are 3 EASY and painless tips to increase the Google Reviews in your practice.

Simple and Painless Ways to Increase Google Reviews for Your Dental Practice

1. Create a Review Link

You want to make leaving a review as easy for your patient as possible. Creating your own review link that your staff can send to patients will single-handedly skyrocket your reviews.

Here's how to do this:

1. Google your business name.

photo of crimson media group being googled

2. Click on "Write a Review"

photo of the write a google review button

3. Copy the url in the search browswer

photo of the google review url link

4. That is the link you send to patients.

All the patient will need to do is click the link, write their review, and hit submit. No searching!

2. Follow-Up Text Message

This works very well. Fifteen minutes after your patient has left their appointment, send them a text with the link mentioned above asking if they'd leave a review for your practice. Try to make this as personalized as possible.

Here's an example:

"Hi Sara, we really enjoyed seeing you today! Would you mind leaving us a review? All you need to do is click this link and write about your experience. Thank you so much!"

3. Dedicate a Google Review getter in your office

I know your staff are busy, but having a dedicated person trained to get reviews can literally pay for itself (as we mentioned, reviews generate new patients.)

Meet with this person weekly. Look at the reviews for the week and see how you can help that person and get feedback from them.

4. Ask

Just ask. Seriously, 90% of practices we'e worked with don't ask every patient who comes in to leave a review. If you don't ask, you won't get a review. It's that simple. Consistency is absolute key.

If you follow all these steps, I guarantee you will have a record month for Google Reviews.

Do you want to increase your new patient volume and high-ticket procedures? Contact our Crimson Media team to setup a strategy call.